
root@OpenWrt:/etc# cat openwrt_version                                          
root@OpenWrt:/etc# cd config/                                                   
root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# ls                                                    
dhcp          firewall      network       system        uhttpd                  
dropbear      luci          network.orig  ucitrack      wireless                
root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# for file in `ls`                                      
> do                                                                            
> echo $file                                                                    
> echo --------                                                                 
> cat $file                                                                     
> echo --------                                                                 
> done                                                                          
config 'dnsmasq'                                                                
        option 'boguspriv' '1'                                                  
        option 'localise_queries' '1'                                           
        option 'expandhosts' '1'                                                
        option 'authoritative' '1'                                              
        option 'readethers' '1'                                                 
        option 'leasefile' '/tmp/dhcp.leases'                                   
        option 'resolvfile' '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto'                             
        option 'local' ',,'                 
        option 'domain' 'hirasawa.local'                                        
        option 'rebind_protection' '0'                                          
config 'dhcp' 'lan'                                                             
        option 'interface' 'lan'                                                
        option 'ignore' '1'                                                     
config 'dhcp' 'wan'                                                             
        option 'interface' 'wan'                                                
        option 'ignore' '1'                                                     
config dropbear                                                                 
        option PasswordAuth 'on'                                                
        option Port         '22'                                                
#       option BannerFile   '/etc/banner'                                       
config defaults                                                                 
        option syn_flood        1                                               
        option input            ACCEPT                                          
        option output           ACCEPT                                          
        option forward          REJECT                                          
config zone                                                                     
        option name             lan                                             
        option input    ACCEPT                                                  
        option output   ACCEPT                                                  
        option forward  REJECT                                                  
config zone                                                                     
        option name             wan                                             
        option input    REJECT                                                  
        option output   ACCEPT                                                  
        option forward  REJECT                                                  
        option masq             1                                               
        option mtu_fix  1                                                       
config forwarding                                                               
        option src      lan                                                     
        option dest     wan                                                     
# We need to accept udp packets on port 68,                                     
# see https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/4108                                       
config rule                                                                     
        option src              wan                                             
        option proto            udp                                             
        option dest_port        68                                              
        option target           ACCEPT                                          
#Allow ping                                                                     
config rule                                                                     
        option src wan                                                          
        option proto icmp                                                       
        option icmp_type echo-request                                           
        option target ACCEPT                                                    
# include a file with users custom iptables rules                               
config include                                                                  
        option path /etc/firewall.user                                          
### EXAMPLE CONFIG SECTIONS                                                     
# do not allow a specific ip to access wan                                      
#config rule                                                                    
#       option src              lan                                             
#       option src_ip                                            
#       option dest             wan                                             
#       option proto    tcp                                                     
#       option target   REJECT                                                  
# block a specific mac on wan                                                   
#config rule                                                                    
#       option dest             wan                                             
#       option src_mac  00:11:22:33:44:66                                       
#       option target   REJECT                                                  
# block incoming ICMP traffic on a zone                                         
#config rule                                                                    
#       option src              lan                                             
#       option proto    ICMP                                                    
#       option target   DROP                                                    
# port redirect port coming in on wan to lan                                    
#config redirect                                                                
#       option src                      wan                                     
#       option src_dport        80                                              
#       option dest                     lan                                     
#       option dest_ip                                  
#       option dest_port        80                                              
#       option proto            tcp                                             
### FULL CONFIG SECTIONS                                                        
#config rule                                                                    
#       option src              lan                                             
#       option src_ip                                            
#       option src_mac  00:11:22:33:44:55                                       
#       option src_port 80                                                      
#       option dest             wan                                             
#       option dest_ip                                            
#       option dest_port        120                                             
#       option proto    tcp                                                     
#       option target   REJECT                                                  
#config redirect                                                                
#       option src              lan                                             
#       option src_ip                                            
#       option src_mac  00:11:22:33:44:55                                       
#       option src_port         1024                                            
#       option src_dport        80                                              
#       option dest_ip                                            
#       option dest_port        120                                             
#       option proto    tcp                                                     
config 'core' 'main'                                                            
        option 'lang' 'auto'                                                    
        option 'mediaurlbase' '/luci-static/openwrt.org'                        
        option 'resourcebase' '/luci-static/resources'                          
config 'extern' 'flash_keep'                                                    
        option 'uci' '/etc/config/'                                             
        option 'dropbear' '/etc/dropbear/'                                      
        option 'openvpn' '/etc/openvpn/'                                        
        option 'passwd' '/etc/passwd'                                           
        option 'opkg' '/etc/opkg.conf'                                          
        option 'firewall' '/etc/firewall.user'                                  
        option 'uploads' '/lib/uci/upload/'                                     
config 'internal' 'languages'                                                   
        option 'en' 'English'                                                   
config 'internal' 'sauth'                                                       
        option 'sessionpath' '/tmp/luci-sessions'                               
        option 'sessiontime' '3600'                                             
config 'internal' 'ccache'                                                      
        option 'enable' '1'                                                     
config 'internal' 'template'                                                    
        option 'compiler_mode' 'memory'                                         
        option 'compiledir' '/tmp/luci-templatecache'                           
config 'internal' 'themes'                                                      
        option 'OpenWrt' '/luci-static/openwrt.org'                             
config 'interface' 'loopback'                                                   
        option 'ifname' 'lo'                                                    
        option 'proto' 'static'                                                 
        option 'ipaddr' ''                                             
        option 'netmask' ''                                            
config 'interface' 'lan'                                                        
        option 'ifname' 'eth0'                                                  
        option 'type' 'bridge'                                                  
        option 'proto' 'static'                                                 
        option 'netmask' ''                                        
        option 'ipaddr' ''                                         
        option 'gateway' ''                                          
        option 'broadcast' ''                                      
        list 'dns' ''                                               
        list 'dns' ''                                               
        list 'dns' ''                                               
config 'interface' 'wan'                                                        
        option 'ifname' 'eth1'                                                  
        option 'proto' 'dhcp'                                                   
config interface loopback                                                       
        option ifname   lo                                                      
        option proto    static                                                  
        option ipaddr                                               
        option netmask                                               
config interface lan                                                            
        option ifname   eth0                                                    
        option type     bridge                                                  
        option proto    static                                                  
        option ipaddr                                             
        option netmask                                           
config interface wan                                                            
        option ifname   eth1                                                    
        option proto    dhcp                                                    
config system                                                                   
        option hostname OpenWrt                                                 
        option timezone UTC                                                     
config rdate                                                                    
        list server ac-ntp0.net.cmu.edu                                         
        list server ptbtime1.ptb.de                                             
        list server ac-ntp1.net.cmu.edu                                         
        list server ntp.xs4all.nl                                               
        list server ptbtime2.ptb.de                                             
        list server cudns.cit.cornell.edu                                       
        list server ptbtime3.ptb.de                                             
config network                                                                  
        option init network                                                     
        list affects dhcp                                                       
config wireless                                                                 
        list affects network                                                    
config firewall                                                                 
        option init firewall                                                    
        list affects luci-splash                                                
        list affects qos                                                        
config olsr                                                                     
        option init olsrd                                                       
config dhcp                                                                     
        option init dnsmasq                                                     
config dropbear                                                                 
        option init dropbear                                                    
config httpd                                                                    
        option init httpd                                                       
config fstab                                                                    
        option init fstab                                                       
config qos                                                                      
        option init qos                                                         
config system                                                                   
        option init led                                                         
        list affects luci_statistics                                            
config luci_splash                                                              
        option init luci_splash                                                 
config upnpd                                                                    
        option init miniupnpd                                                   
config ntpclient                                                                
        option init ntpclient                                                   
config samba                                                                    
        option init samba                                                       
config tinyproxy                                                                
        option init tinyproxy                                                   
# Server configuration                                                          
config uhttpd main                                                              
        # HTTP listen addresses, multiple allowed                               
        list listen_http                                      
#       list listen_http        [::]:80                                         
        # HTTPS listen addresses, multiple allowed                              
        list listen_https                                     
#       list listen_https       [::]:443                                        
        # Server document root                                                  
        option home             /www                                            
        # Certificate and private key for HTTPS.                                
        # If no listen_https addresses are given,                               
        # the key options are ignored.                                          
        option cert             /etc/uhttpd.crt                                 
        option key              /etc/uhttpd.key                                 
        # CGI url prefix, will be searched in docroot.                          
        # Default is /cgi-bin                                                   
        option cgi_prefix       /cgi-bin                                        
        # Lua url prefix and handler script.                                    
        # Lua support is disabled if no prefix given.                           
#       option lua_prefix       /luci                                           
#       option lua_handler      /usr/lib/lua/luci/sgi/uhttpd.lua                
        # CGI/Lua timeout, if the called script does not                        
        # write data within the given amount of seconds,                        
        # the server will temrinate the request with                            
        # 504 Gateway Timeout response.                                         
        option script_timeout   60                                              
        # Basic auth realm, defaults to local hostname                          
#       option realm    OpenWrt                                                 
        # Configuration file in busybox httpd format                            
#       option config   /etc/httpd.conf                                         
# Certificate defaults for px5g key generator                                   
config cert px5g                                                                
        # Validity time                                                         
        option days             730                                             
        # RSA key size                                                          
        option bits             1024                                            
        # Location                                                              
        option country          DE                                              
        option state            Berlin                                          
        option location         Berlin                                          
        # Common name                                                           
        option commonname       OpenWrt                                         
config 'wifi-device' 'radio0'                                                   
        option 'type' 'mac80211'                                                
        option 'macaddr' '00:22:cf:00:e7:9b'                                    
        option 'hwmode' '11ng'                                                  
        option 'htmode' 'HT20'                                                  
        list 'ht_capab' 'SHORT-GI-40'                                           
        list 'ht_capab' 'DSSS_CCK-40'                                           
        option 'channel' '6'                                                    
        option 'txpower' '20'                                                   
        option 'country' 'JP'                                                   
config 'wifi-iface'                                                             
        option 'device' 'radio0'                                                
        option 'network' 'lan'                                                  
        option 'ssid' 'OpenWrt1'                                                
        option 'key' 'xxxxxxxxxxx'                                             
        option 'mode' 'sta'                                                     
        option 'wds' '1'                                                        
        option 'encryption' 'psk2'                                              